Cookie crumble cake

Price: 48.00 € Original price:

The bottom and top layers of the cake are topped with a crumble consisting of mixed nuts and dates. It is wonderfully suited with a sweet creamy cream in the center, and the greatest part is the surprise inside the cream, which contains a few hidden Canadian blueberries that properly balance the richness of the cake.

In stock


Size of the raw cake

20 cm, 24cm


Decorating is the most enjoyable part of the cake; you can choose simply what is shown in the picture, or we can discuss something new, something you will prefer, or you can select the option "surprise". This will allow me to go with the flow and surprise you with whatever comes to mind that day :)


This cake is very soft, and it should be kept cold, in the fridge or freezer. If you are transporting cake, please use an ice-filled cold bag. That is the most secure method of transporting cake. More information about storing and transporting cake can be found in the "read before you buy" section.